Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wednesday February 19th, 2014

That pesky light is back at it again. I recorded a video for you guys to see the issue.

I decided to go and get a LED desk lamp... That was also short lived do to the high color temperature of the LED and the brightness of the LED it washes out anything I put under the lamp.

Tuesday February 18th, 2014

So In setting up for the 5th annual Hall of Fame. There was a few events that happened in the Fish Bowl of EB Lobby. Well with those rock sculptures there the lighting designer and I set out some LED wireless and battery operated fixtures. I noticed that there was something going on with the light hitting all the different angles of the rocks.

I noticed that with the different wavelengths of the visible spectrum the what we perceive as yellow light is much stronger and cuts through the red light. 

I also noticed that where the red light crosses with the yellow light there was a hostile take over not a mix of red and yellow light. 

upon further investigation I noticed that at the point where you can see on some rocks there is yellow and others there is red but they are sharp angles. none of the light blended together.

Monday February 17th, 2014

So my apartment has two large windows in the living room that face south. Due to that lovely particle wave duality that light exhibits. I find it interesting that no matter what time of day it is there is some ray of light that gets through the mini blinds and lands perfectly on my TV. I don't even understand how that is possible some times. It may be time to invest in some curtains.

Sunday February 16th, 2014

Leaving School today at 3:30am after and all day load in for the Hall Of Fame. I noticed it was a  little muggy out and I drove past the school on university and noticed that the entire area was lit up. I was like it way to early for there to be sun light. I realized that with all the moisture in the air the it diffracted the light coming off the LED wall and was illuminating the moisture in the air. What are weird look that is seeing the LED Tron from almost goldenrod because of the defection off the water molecules in the air.

Saturday February 15th, 2014

Today I was fortunate to have an amazing friend who surprised me and took me to disney for the day. Trying not to talk about the show lighting, I am trying to make a post on natural lighting, or disney's attempt at recreating natural lighting.

I went on Pirates of The Caribbean, I wanted to see the way they created fire in the windows. Luckily enough the boats backed up and we were stuck in that room for a good 5-7 minutes. Giving me all the time to look and see how that was done.

My lighting Instructor had said that when they first did that ride it was a fan and strips of gel that gave the movement. I was intrigued how low tech.

While stuck in that section of the ride I noticed that they might have replaced that tech with white sheets in the windows that were blown with fans then the lighting bounced off the sheets gave the impression of fire movement. Still very cool how it was done.

Friday February 14th, 2014

Walking through a certain department store today and noticed a maintenance worker changing a set of florescent tubes in the middle of the store. Now several things went through my mind. One, why is he changing these tubes in the middle of the store while there are other customers here in the store.  Two, why didn't he turn off the string of florescence he was working on. Three, why isn't he replacing the tubes with the same tubes that were in there before instead changing them for a different color temperature. then I looked around an that answered that question which was the entire store was dotted with different color temperature tubes. Then my final question is why isn't the merchandise under where he is changing the tube covered. 

As all this is happening, the maintenance worker twisted the tube into the housing and moved away just in time for the tube to shatter and fall all over the other tubes and merchandise which caused those tubes to explode as well. as we were leaving so that we didn't die from the sketchy maintenance or deadly fumes, all of the lights in that string turned off and two more of the doors that hold the diffusion flopped down.

I think thats the last time I step into that store.

Thursday February 13th, 2014

In addition to these mini lights that are doing a horrible job lighting up my office, but did a great job lighting up my tree. I don't think Im going to be able to use any more. They create more heat then they do light and are making this office so ridiculously hot. I think Im gonna have to go and buy an desk lamp or something. I wonder should I go LED or something with a dimmer. Decisions Decisions.