Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday February 14th, 2014

Walking through a certain department store today and noticed a maintenance worker changing a set of florescent tubes in the middle of the store. Now several things went through my mind. One, why is he changing these tubes in the middle of the store while there are other customers here in the store.  Two, why didn't he turn off the string of florescence he was working on. Three, why isn't he replacing the tubes with the same tubes that were in there before instead changing them for a different color temperature. then I looked around an that answered that question which was the entire store was dotted with different color temperature tubes. Then my final question is why isn't the merchandise under where he is changing the tube covered. 

As all this is happening, the maintenance worker twisted the tube into the housing and moved away just in time for the tube to shatter and fall all over the other tubes and merchandise which caused those tubes to explode as well. as we were leaving so that we didn't die from the sketchy maintenance or deadly fumes, all of the lights in that string turned off and two more of the doors that hold the diffusion flopped down.

I think thats the last time I step into that store.

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